Discussion papers // Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin für Sozialforschung (WZB), Research Unit Migration, Integration, Transnationalization


(Die Aktualisierung erfolgt monatsweise und fortlaufend.)

  • 2018: 255 Downloads
  • 2017: 523 Downloads
  • 2016: 936 Downloads
  • 2015: 388 Downloads
  • 2014: 268 Downloads
  • 2013: 197 Downloads
  • 2012: 616 Downloads
  • 2011: 173 Downloads

9 Dokumente:

1 Host-country cultural capital and labour market trajectories of migrants in Germany : The impact of host-country orientation and migrant-specific human and social capitalon labour market transitions
Höhne, Jutta et al.
Band 2010, 701
2 Germanophobia in Switzerland
Helbling, Marc
Band 2010, 702
3 Ethnic Retention and Host Culture Adoption among Turkish Immigrants in Germany, France and the Netherlands : A Controlled Comparison
Ersanilli, Evelyn et al.
Band 2009, 701
4 Citizenship Tests in Five Countries – An Expression of Political Liberalism?
Michalowski, Ines
Band 2009, 702
5 The Rise of Right-Wing Populist Pim Fortuyn in the Netherlands. A Discursive Opportunity Approach
Koopmans, Ruud et al.
Band 2008,703
6 The Diffussion of Ethnic Violence in Germany: The Role of Social Similarity
Braun, Robert et al.
Band 2008,702
7 Tradeoffs between Equality and Difference. Immigrant Integration, Multiculturalism, and the Welfare State in Cross-National Perspective
Koopmans, Ruud
Band 2008,701
8 Transnationale Familien : Zur Entstehung, zum Ausmaß und zu den Konsequenzen der migrationsbedingten Eltern-Kind-Trennung in Familien aus den klassischen Gastarbeiterländern in Deutschland
Hajji, Rahim
Band 2008, 704
9 Transnationale Familienverhältnisse, Verlusterfahrung und Bindungsverhalten
Hajji, Rahim
Band 2008, 705

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