Working papers global and area studies


(Die Aktualisierung erfolgt monatsweise und fortlaufend.)

  • 2018: 497 Downloads
  • 2017: 893 Downloads
  • 2016: 1.351 Downloads
  • 2015: 899 Downloads
  • 2014: 1.779 Downloads
  • 2013: 1.194 Downloads
  • 2012: 508 Downloads
  • 2011: 128 Downloads

15 Dokumente:

1 Modernisierung und Demokratisierung : Das Erklärungspotenzial neuer differenzierungstheoretischer Ansätze am Fallbeispiel Südkoreas
Kern, Thomas
Band 15
2 Challenging Party Hegemony : Identity Work in Chinas Emerging Virreal Places
Giese, Karsten
Band 14
3 Creating a Regional Security Community in Southern Latin America : The Institutionalisation of the Regional Defence and Security Policies
Flemes, Daniel
Band 13
4 Factionalism in Political Parties : An Analytical Framework for Comparative Studies
Köllner, Patrick et al.
Band 12
5 Representing Different Constituencies : Electoral Rules in Bicameral Systems in Latin America and Their Impact on Political Representation
Nolte, Detlef et al.
Band 11
6 Die Institutionalisierung von Parteien und die Konsolidierung des Parteiensystems in Indien : Kriterien, Befund und Ursachen dauerhafter Defizite
Betz, Joachim
Band 10
7 Culture and Collective Action : Japan, Germany and the United States after September 11, 2001
Nabers, Dirk
Band 9
8 The LDP at 50 : The Rise, Power Resources, and Perspectives of Japan's Dominant Party
Köllner, Patrick
Band 8
9 Global Health Governance : Conflicts on Global Social Rights
Hein, Wolfgang et al.
Band 7
10 Formale und informelle Politik aus institutioneller Perspektive : Ein Analyseansatz für die vergleichenden Area Studies
Köllner, Patrick
Band 6
11 ¿Hacia una comunidad regional de seguridad? : Las Fuerzas Armadas en la percepción de las elites parlamentarias en Argentina, Chile, Brasil, Uruguay y Paraguay
Fuchs, Ruth
Band 5
12 Major Flaws in Conflict Prevention Policies towards Africa : The Conceptual Deficits of International Actors’ Approaches and How to Overcome Them
Mehler, Andreas
Band 4
13 Decentralisation and Poverty Reduction : A Conceptual Framework for the Economic Impact
Steiner, Susan
Band 3
14 Emigration and Regime Stability : Explaining the Persistence of Cuban Socialism
Hoffmann, Bert
Band 2
15 Context Matters : Rethinking the Resource Curse in Sub-Saharan Africa
Basedau, Matthias
Band 1

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