Remedies for the public debt problem : the impact of dysfunctional incentive structures and behavioural aspects on German municipal debts

Sarnes, Juliane


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Dokumentart: Bericht / Forschungsbericht / Abhandlung
Institut: Hertie School of Governance
Schriftenreihe: Working papers // Hertie School of Governance
Bandnummer: 51
Sprache: Englisch
Erstellungsjahr: 2010
Publikationsdatum: 22.01.2013
Originalveröffentlichung: (2010)
SWD-Schlagwörter: Deutschland , Gemeindefinanzwirtschaft , Öffentliche Schulden , Dept Management , Hochschulschrift
DDC-Sachgruppe: Politik
BK - Basisklassifikation: 83.52 (Finanzwissenschaft), 88.13 (Kommunalverwaltung), 74.20 (Deutschland)
Sondersammelgebiete: 3.6 Politik und Friedensforschung, 3.7 Verwaltungswissenschaften

Kurzfassung auf Englisch:

The aim of this thesis is to develop guidelines for a sustainable solution to the municipal debt problem. Using insights gained in 17 qualitative expert interviews with local executives and researchers, the different factors which have led to the precarious situation are closely examined. The focus lies on endogenous factors, the decisions and actions taken by local executives and how these contributed to the municipal debt problem. Applying rational choice theory, this thesis investigates especially how certain properties of the political process and Germany´s fiscal regulation framework might stimulate misconduct at the local level.

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